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Education & Society
Six honorary degrees to be awarded
March 20, 2000
British psychiatrist Sir Michael Rutter to speak March 23
March 16, 2000
Communities launch dialogues on genetics policy
March 15, 2000
“Water quantity and quality” is topic of March 17 symposium
March 15, 2000
Regents meet March 20
March 15, 2000
Faculty, administrators examine student group space allocation
March 15, 2000
Public health conference March 24-25
March 13, 2000
Prof. Abigail Stewart to deliver Russel Lecture March 14
March 10, 2000
Fellows Program supports students in public interest careers
March 8, 2000
Indiana’s Sen. Lugar to receive Distinguished Legislator Award
March 7, 2000
Martin to be named interim athletic director
March 3, 2000
University selected to participate in Early Adopters Program
March 3, 2000
BachFest: 24 hours of the best of Bach
March 2, 2000
Black-white health gap is as large as it was in 1950
February 29, 2000
Conference on the future of older people March 13
February 29, 2000
Experts to answer, “What is it?”
February 28, 2000
Dept. of Public Safety presents community, department awards
February 25, 2000
Key to convicting child molesters
February 23, 2000
Human resources officer hired for Facilities and Operations
February 22, 2000
New Plant Extension director named
February 18, 2000