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Education & Society
Former Princeton University president to speak on race in admissions
October 29, 1998
Trotter Haunted House
October 28, 1998
Single mothers on welfare face barriers to employment
October 27, 1998
Possible human ancestors lived in Spain 780,000 years ago
October 26, 1998
Fault activity: geologists use “nature’s grease”
October 26, 1998
El Nino may have influenced Ice Age glaciers
October 26, 1998
Community consortium kickoff MIChild enrollment on Oct. 23
October 21, 1998
Noted Jewish theologian to speak on the future of Israel/Palestine
October 21, 1998
Germans to speak of yesterday, today, and tomorrow
October 21, 1998
Conference on Asian auto industry will be held Oct. 23 in Dearborn
October 20, 1998
AIDS researchers form “virtual center”
October 19, 1998
William Gosling recommended as director of University Library
October 19, 1998
Student dies in tragic accident
October 16, 1998
Mabel E. Rugen, professor emeritus of public health and education, died Oct. 15
October 16, 1998
Destination Discovery connects kids and teachers with resources
October 15, 1998
Saturday Morning Physics makes debut in Grand Rapids
October 15, 1998
Regents approve administrative appointments
October 15, 1998
Unintended pregnancies have negative consequences for children themselves
October 13, 1998
Norma Radin died September 24
October 7, 1998
The picture tells the story
October 6, 1998