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Education & Society
Prof. Joyce Marcus first U-M woman elected to National Academy of Sciences
May 1, 1997
Iron deficient infants later do poorly on achievement tests
April 30, 1997
Research by U-M nursing professors
April 29, 1997
U-M puts Americana on the Web
April 29, 1997
Information on U-M units’ commencement activities
April 29, 1997
Immigrants who get amnesty earn more money
April 24, 1997
Emotional abuse of battered women
April 24, 1997
April 24, 1997
Five U-M faculty honored for commitment to campus diversity
April 22, 1997
U-M students share more than $50,000 in Hopwood Awards and other creative writing prizes
April 22, 1997
Well-known scholars to debate national substance abuse policy
April 22, 1997
U-M health clinic offers bilingual services to area Japanese
April 21, 1997
Four honorary degrees at spring commencement; Bollinger to speak
April 18, 1997
Building renovation projects approved by U-M Regents
April 17, 1997
Three U-M faculty members retire
April 17, 1997
“Senioritis” sweeps nation’s campuses, including U-M. “All I want to do after graduation is lie on my mother’s couch.”
April 16, 1997
Among students from Detroit visit U-M campus
April 16, 1997
Manoogian Foundation funds Armenian Studies Program
April 16, 1997
“Belonging” means more to women than to men
April 15, 1997
LS&A College surpasses $110 million fund-raising goal
April 14, 1997