
  1. Racial, ethnic disparities in long-term care remain among older adults despite passage of ACA November 9, 2023
  2. New Michigan landscape map highlights counties affected hardest by opioid epidemic November 9, 2023
  3. Dental patients prescribed far fewer opioid painkillers today, but pandemic slowed decline greatly November 3, 2023
  4. Nursing homes hardest hit by health care employment declines November 3, 2023
  5. The future of healthy cities October 30, 2023
  6. Mass shooting in Maine: U-M experts available to comment October 26, 2023
  7. Concussion care: Getting high school athletes back to the sports they love October 25, 2023
  8. Distractibility trait linked to ADHD October 25, 2023
  9. New water filter law: U-M experts available to comment October 20, 2023
  10. Michigan Minds Podcast: The Role of Negative Peer Feedback on Social Media October 19, 2023
  11. Choosing exoskeleton settings like a Pandora radio station October 18, 2023
  12. Why patients say they want to take fewer prescription meds, but won’t when offered October 11, 2023
  13. Identifying some foods as addictive could stimulate research, shift attitudes October 10, 2023
  14. Tumor-destroying sound waves receive FDA approval for liver treatment in humans October 9, 2023
  15. No ride, no health care: New project provides ‘mobility wallets’ to get residents to medical appointments October 5, 2023
  16. Aging in place: U-M study highlights racial disparities among older adults October 4, 2023
  17. Hispanics killed by firearms at twice the rate of whites, study finds October 3, 2023
  18. New $81M NIH grant will help US answer urgent need for better dementia care October 3, 2023
  19. Should older adults with fewer years to live keep getting cancer screenings? U-M poll explores attitudes September 28, 2023
  20. New firearms safety grants explore reporting systems, safe storage, childhood injuries, more September 27, 2023