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U-M campus events will commemorate Sept. 11
August 28, 2002
Michigan Public Health Training Center offers continuing education classes in Flint
August 28, 2002
Climate and cholera: an increasingly important link
August 27, 2002
U-M study: After terrorism, sustained increases in U.S. character strengths
August 25, 2002
U-M president names search committees for senior leadership positions
August 19, 2002
U-M report: Spending should rise slightly as customer satisfaction holds steady
August 19, 2002
Protein separation technique wins R&D award
August 15, 2002
Migraines cost employers millions in productivity, but interventions can help
August 8, 2002
U-M professor develops faster way to test beach water for E. coli levels
August 7, 2002
New book discusses invisible women.
August 6, 2002
Researchers at U-M SNRE to discuss changing American landscape at Ecological Society annual meeting
August 5, 2002
A look at development, rural trends, birds
August 2, 2002
Mary Sue Coleman
August 1, 2002
Purple Loosestrife
August 1, 2002
Mary Sue Coleman becomes 13th president
August 1, 2002
Lifestyle leads to disease, Health Management Research Center study shows
July 30, 2002
When to trust the polls: ISR researcher talks sense about surveys
July 29, 2002
How segregated is your city? Find the answer fast with U-M website
July 29, 2002
Artist and geneticist Hunter O’Reilly brings exhibit to Michigan Sept. 3-26
July 29, 2002
More quality, not more weight, may make vehicles safer
July 25, 2002