
  1. Treatment restores normal rhythm in patients with atrial fibrillation June 17, 1999
  2. Using spatial illusion to learn how the brain processes sound June 16, 1999
  3. Some cardiac surgery risks higher when potassium levels are low June 15, 1999
  4. Major international cancer study to launch in association with Israel June 14, 1999
  5. School of Dentistry to host major government agency program June 11, 1999
  6. School of Dentistry to provide dental care to migrant workers June 11, 1999
  7. Time U.S. children spend with their fathers, and what they do June 10, 1999
  8. How men feel about fatherhood, and what they contribute June 10, 1999
  9. The condom pouch and Depo-Provera June 9, 1999
  10. Communities to tackle ethical implications of genetic research June 8, 1999
  11. Committee on Labor Standards and Human Rights is appointed June 7, 1999
  12. Chamberlain is interim director of Center for Gene Therapy June 2, 1999
  13. Scientists calculate odds of doomsday scenarios for solar system “Some say the world will end in fire. Some say in ice.” Robert Frost May 27, 1999
  14. Private agency international adoptions in Michigan are on the rise May 24, 1999
  15. Regents approve tenure appointments May 21, 1999
  16. Regents approve administrative appointments May 21, 1999
  17. Fifteen faculty members retire May 21, 1999
  18. Regents approve faculty promotions May 21, 1999
  19. Institute to study of biological complexity and human values May 21, 1999
  20. School of Public Health, U.S. Postal Service salute Jonas Salk May 19, 1999