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Birds, bats and insects hold secrets for aerospace engineers
February 4, 2008
Indonesian ambassador keynotes Asia Business conference at U-M
February 1, 2008
24 Michigan colleges launch jobs portal: 1,200 openings online
February 1, 2008
Hidden art could be revealed by new terahertz device
January 30, 2008
Ants and avalanches: Insects on coffee plants follow widespread natural tendency
January 17, 2008
U-M’s King events: Stars, social activists from film, sports and music
January 11, 2008
Study locates cholesterol genes; finds surprises about good, bad cholesterol
January 10, 2008
Americans pay the most for prescription drugs and still don’t take them
January 8, 2008
U-M School of Social Work, Skillman to host economic forum to improve Detroit neighborhoods
January 3, 2008
Where do you stand? Research shows clues in rules of the wild
December 19, 2007
Teen smoking resumes decline
December 12, 2007
U-M poll: Kids obesity not weighing on their parents? minds
December 10, 2007
Where do you stand? Research shows clues in rules of the wild
December 10, 2007
New U-M Business Engagement Center ready for action
December 10, 2007
Teens offer less support when peers disclose severe dating violence
December 4, 2007
A major gift of art and history: U-M receives 45 significant medical paintings from Pfizer
November 29, 2007
Star formation and Chinese physics are topics at Ta-You Wu lecture
November 29, 2007
Award-winning drama based on biblical story of Job
November 28, 2007
U-M researchers study toothy, ground-feeding dinosaur
November 15, 2007
U-M Regents approve design for Stockwell Hall renovation
November 15, 2007