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For Good or Ill? Affirmative Action for Women
October 10, 2006
Hail to the hornworts: New plant family tree sheds light on evolution of life cycles
October 4, 2006
UMMA’s exhibit features haunting images of a life slipping into history
October 4, 2006
Taxes: seems like they’ve always been around
September 29, 2006
Molecular scissors help cancer cells break out and spread
September 29, 2006
Wallenberg honoree rescued Lost Boys of Sudan
September 28, 2006
Susan Love to kick off U-M effort to fund research on women’s health
September 28, 2006
Flight Institute established with $4 million gift from The Fran
September 27, 2006
Eisenbergs give $5 million to U-M Institute of Historical Studies
September 27, 2006
Residential Life Initiatives: Projects to upgrade residence halls continue
September 22, 2006
U-M study suggests vitamin K deficiency as an osteoporosis risk factor
September 22, 2006
U-M Hispanic Heritage Month Keynote: Author Sandra Cisneros explores complexity of Latino identity
September 22, 2006
Experts available on Thailand coup, southeast Asia
September 22, 2006
Better gas mileage is Detroit’s safest route to fiscal health
September 20, 2006
U-M will co-sponsor tax policy conference in Washington, D.C.
September 15, 2006
U-M hosts media discussion: Can you print that?
September 14, 2006
UMMA breaks ground for landmark expansion
September 13, 2006
Informal ‘quotas’ are common, study shows
September 13, 2006
U-M Law School sponsors screening of award-winning documentary ‘Lost Boys’
September 7, 2006
Study: Minorities often consider other races, especially whites, their competitors
September 7, 2006