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U-M engineering student wins prestigious Rhodes Scholarship
November 24, 2004
St. Petersburg String Quartet in residence at U-M
November 22, 2004
Performance artist explores our prosthetically-enhanced future
November 18, 2004
New dining center approved by U-M Regents
November 18, 2004
U.S. children and teens spend more time on academics
November 17, 2004
High anxiety: Consumers turn to chocolate and cigarettes
November 16, 2004
Life under economic pressure: Project traces the past impact
November 16, 2004
U-M hiring of female professors doubles in math and sciences
November 12, 2004
President Ford celebrates groundbreaking of new Ford School of Public Policy
November 12, 2004
U-M, state of Michigan gain from $70 million nanotech access grant
November 11, 2004
Jan Longone Quotes
November 10, 2004
U-M conference will feature national and state economic forecasts
November 9, 2004
Midwest regional ranking of Fulbright Award winners
November 8, 2004
U-M experts available on Elizabeth Edwards’ cancer diagnosis
November 8, 2004
Native American Heritage Month connects community
November 8, 2004
U-M experts available on Arafat, Middle East, related stories
November 5, 2004
U-M launches series of human rights initiatives
November 3, 2004
U-M composer wins governor’s award
October 19, 2004
For love or money, marriage is here to stay
October 12, 2004
Former U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rightsto speak at U-M Law School
October 11, 2004