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South African political prisoner to speak at U-M
October 14, 2002
Michigan Quarterly Review facilitates an important discussion
October 4, 2002
Former United Nations official to present case for U.S. increasing aid
October 4, 2002
U-M explores myths and realities associated with people who have disabilities
October 3, 2002
Household wealth increased in 2001, thanks to home values
October 3, 2002
Consumers rebalance spending and saving: Low interest rates and battered finances
September 30, 2002
Sound sources and dance combine in “Water Blue”
September 30, 2002
Knight Foundation, Mike Wallace unite for Journalism Fellows
September 28, 2002
ADVISORY: U-M Experts available to discuss obesity causes, effects
September 25, 2002
U-M anthropologist receives MacArthur Foundation award
September 25, 2002
PBS correspondent to speak at U-M
September 24, 2002
U-M unites with Detroit for world-class performances
September 23, 2002
Monts continues as senior counselor to U-M president
September 23, 2002
Director and faculty named for Life Sciences Institute
September 18, 2002
U-M students report on Global Intercultural Experience
September 17, 2002
Seeking self-esteem has mental and physical costs
September 17, 2002
MONITA THOMPSON Co-director of Intergroup Relations Conflict and Community (IGRCC)
September 12, 2002
New neutrino experiment at Fermilab goes live
September 12, 2002
Dean of students appointment rounds out new student
September 12, 2002
Americans still not back to normal one year later, ISR study shows
September 10, 2002