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Schools can help stem violence by taking charge of public areas
May 17, 1999
Friedmann named Francois-Xavier Bagnoud Professor
April 29, 1999
Growth factor contributes to angiogenesis
January 29, 1999
Autism may be caused by an immune system response to a virus
October 30, 1998
Single mothers on welfare face barriers to employment
October 27, 1998
Library schedules second annual foreign language book sale
October 27, 1998
El Nino may have influenced Ice Age glaciers
October 26, 1998
Possible human ancestors lived in Spain 780,000 years ago
October 26, 1998
Arthur Miller: focus of Michigan Quarterly Review special fall issue
October 23, 1998
Noted Jewish theologian to speak on the future of Israel/Palestine
October 21, 1998
Germans to speak of yesterday, today, and tomorrow
October 21, 1998
“The Shattered Mirror”
October 19, 1998
Regents approve tenured appointments
October 15, 1998
Unintended pregnancies have negative consequences for children themselves
October 13, 1998
Jonathan Schell to speak on Oct. 30
October 13, 1998
An arrest warrant for two witches
October 7, 1998
The picture tells the story
October 6, 1998
Contemporary Cuba with a timba beat
October 1, 1998
Department of Public Safety Director Heatley announces retirement
September 16, 1998
Rare copy of prayers for Rosh-Hashanah held at Clements Library
September 14, 1998