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Videotapes teach how to be assertive with the health care system
May 11, 1995
Faculty and students responded to the call during W.W. II
May 9, 1995
Boys gossip just as much as girls, study shows
May 8, 1995
Sloan Foundation awards $2.2 million to Business School and College of Engineering
May 4, 1995
Information superhighway adds a new stop; Internet Public Library
May 4, 1995
Underwater storage techniques used by early North American hunters preserve meat for at least six months
May 3, 1995
Michigan Journalism Fellows named for 1995-96
April 28, 1995
Two Romanian Business Journalists Have Been Named Journalism Fellows
April 28, 1995
New phantom particle could be holding our universe together
April 19, 1995
U-M students share $39,200 in Hopwood prizes for creative writing
April 18, 1995
Kelsey Museum’s Family Day
April 17, 1995
April 13, 1995
Three new books focus on domestic and foreign politics
April 12, 1995
Society of Fellows names new members
April 10, 1995
Three honorary degrees to be awarded at spring commencement
April 7, 1995
Taxes: seems like they’ve always been around
April 5, 1995
Health professor receives award
December 20, 1994
Ancient Egyptian papyrus documents on Net
December 14, 1994
U-M music professor composes tribute to the King
December 14, 1994
U-M and First of America to join forces
December 13, 1994