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Law & Politics
Study illuminates the ‘pain’ of social rejection
March 25, 2011
U-M panel: What the 1989 revolutions in Central Europe tell us about today’s Middle East
March 25, 2011
Government units continue and expand collaboration efforts, which get high marks
March 23, 2011
U-M’s North Quad residents, programs making most of their new space
March 23, 2011
Public nuisance? Cell phone use might actually spark conversations with strangers
March 23, 2011
Study shows real social costs of caring for cognitively impaired elders
March 22, 2011
U-M embarks on bold cultural exchange initiative to China
March 16, 2011
Reframing climate change: It’s as much cultural as scientific
March 16, 2011
Conference will focus on Asian American political activism
March 16, 2011
Gov. Rick Snyder to deliver U-M Commencement address
March 14, 2011
Upcoming TEDx event to encourage ‘crazy ideas’
March 14, 2011
$20 million gift jumpstarts renovation at M Law’s Lawyers Club
March 14, 2011
Brilliant to deliver 10th annual Wege Lecture on Sustainability
March 8, 2011
It’s all in a name: ‘Global warming’ versus ‘climate change’
March 8, 2011
U-M professor wins fellowship for environmental research and leadership
March 3, 2011
U-M experts available to discuss labor issues
March 3, 2011
Resolved to quit smoking? Brain scans predict likely success
February 28, 2011
Canadians more likely to support policies to address climate change than Americans
February 24, 2011
U-M student named as semifinalist for National Service Award
February 24, 2011
Brain imaging technique: New hope for understanding Parkinson’s disease
February 23, 2011