Law & Politics

  1. Seniors seek bankruptcy help November 18, 2010
  2. Wake up, Mom! Study shows gender differences in sleep interruptions November 17, 2010
  3. N.Y. Times writer to speak about how welfare reform affected mothers and their children November 16, 2010
  4. Cloud computing for business November 2, 2010
  5. Fashion, power and politics October 27, 2010
  6. U-M creates the state’s first human embryonic stem cell line, a milestone on the road to new disease treatments October 5, 2010
  7. U-M makes major commitment to ‘green’ buildings September 29, 2010
  8. sales tax holiday spurs business, losses in tax collections July 29, 2010
  9. Michigan Law alum to head international transactions clinic July 28, 2010
  10. spread of malaria still a looming problem July 27, 2010
  11. Race, wages create obstacles for welfare mothers seeking help from temp agencies July 26, 2010
  12. Levin, Dingell, Navy official and student submarine races kick off new Naval Engineering Education Center July 23, 2010
  13. Are social democracies really better for health than right-wing dictatorships?: U-M study July 22, 2010
  14. Brooding Russians: Less distressed than Americans July 13, 2010
  15. Study: Diversity of grieving among Alzheimer’s caregivers July 13, 2010
  16. Addell Anderson takes over as director of U-M’s Detroit Center July 9, 2010
  17. U.S. Commerce Secretary to speak at U-M innovation forum July 8, 2010
  18. U-M, Traverse City Film Fest form educational partnership July 7, 2010
  19. Understanding sponsorship marketing portfolios and brand clarity June 30, 2010
  20. President Coleman visits China, strengthens ties with universities June 25, 2010