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Law & Politics
Work force and economic development agencies team up in tough times
January 18, 2008
U-M research spending tops $800 million for first time
January 17, 2008
Ants and avalanches: Insects on coffee plants follow widespread natural tendency
January 17, 2008
Saturday Morning Physics lectures to focus on the universe
January 16, 2008
Voters respond favorably to touch screen voting equipment
January 14, 2008
U-M’s King events: Stars, social activists from film, sports and music
January 11, 2008
Tiki Barber will give U-M Ross School’s MLK Day address
January 10, 2008
Popular opinion not always so popular
January 10, 2008
Americans pay the most for prescription drugs and still don’t take them
January 8, 2008
Heart patients find education programs lead to better health
January 3, 2008
New research confirms connection between job loss and poor health
December 25, 2007
U-M faculty members available for interviews about elections
December 18, 2007
U-M Regents approve architect, building project for Law School
December 13, 2007
Energy bill experts at the University of Michigan
December 13, 2007
U-M poll: Kids obesity not weighing on their parents? minds
December 10, 2007
Parents want teachers who make children happy
December 3, 2007
Award-winning drama based on biblical story of Job
November 28, 2007
U-M School of Art & Design receives $1 million gift
November 27, 2007
Voter competence
November 19, 2007
U-M researchers study toothy, ground-feeding dinosaur
November 15, 2007