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Law & Politics
Why can’t a woman bid more like a man? U-M study asks
October 13, 2006
EDITORS: Reporters planning to cover a segment of
October 12, 2006
U-M dance professor discusses cultural impact of the legendary Martha Graham
October 12, 2006
Columbia’s Snyder to discuss strategies for the rule of law
October 12, 2006
U-M maps add controversy and depth to Shakespeare’s plays
October 12, 2006
October 11, 2006
New York Times executive editor to speak at U-M
October 11, 2006
Four U-M faculty elected to Institute of Medicine
October 11, 2006
For Good or Ill? Affirmative Action for Women
October 10, 2006
Youths involved with gangs, drugs more likely to carry weapons
October 9, 2006
Schram selected as director of U-M’s Michigan Public Media
October 9, 2006
U-M conference challenges the politics of health and health care
October 6, 2006
Wired editor-in-chief to speak at i-Conference of the iSchools Project
October 6, 2006
Mobile Secretary of State Branch Office to visit U-M on last day to register
October 6, 2006
U-M fall summit on diversity Oct. 9
October 6, 2006
Domestic violence addressed during Tamara Williams lecture
October 4, 2006
EDITORS: Here is additional information on U-M’s commencement
September 29, 2006
U-M Hispanic Heritage Month Keynote: Author Sandra Cisneros explores complexity of Latino identity
September 22, 2006
Experts available on Thailand coup, southeast Asia
September 22, 2006
21st Century Jobs Fund grants $5.8 million to U-M research
September 20, 2006