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Law & Politics
For Good or Ill? Affirmative Action for Women
October 10, 2006
Youths involved with gangs, drugs more likely to carry weapons
October 9, 2006
Schram selected as director of U-M’s Michigan Public Media
October 9, 2006
U-M conference challenges the politics of health and health care
October 6, 2006
Wired editor-in-chief to speak at i-Conference of the iSchools Project
October 6, 2006
Mobile Secretary of State Branch Office to visit U-M on last day to register
October 6, 2006
U-M fall summit on diversity Oct. 9
October 6, 2006
Domestic violence addressed during Tamara Williams lecture
October 4, 2006
EDITORS: Here is additional information on U-M’s commencement
September 29, 2006
U-M Hispanic Heritage Month Keynote: Author Sandra Cisneros explores complexity of Latino identity
September 22, 2006
Experts available on Thailand coup, southeast Asia
September 22, 2006
21st Century Jobs Fund grants $5.8 million to U-M research
September 20, 2006
University establishes Michigan Memorial Phoenix Energy Institute
September 20, 2006
N.Y. Times reporter Uchitelle to give lecture on consequences of layoffs
September 20, 2006
U-M library exhibits imaginary worlds from children’s books
September 20, 2006
Better gas mileage is Detroit’s safest route to fiscal health
September 20, 2006
U-M will co-sponsor tax policy conference in Washington, D.C.
September 15, 2006
Study to forecast side-effects of pollution policy
September 15, 2006
Hurricane Katrina showed importance of disaster assistance reform
September 15, 2006
New leader named for U-M’s diversity center
September 15, 2006