Law & Politics

  1. Life under economic pressure: Project traces the past impact November 16, 2004
  2. Diverse group is the best solution for problem-solving tasks November 15, 2004
  3. President Ford celebrates groundbreaking of new Ford School of Public Policy November 12, 2004
  4. Food for thought: American culinary history center opens November 10, 2004
  5. Jan Longone Quotes November 10, 2004
  6. Gerald R. Ford visit marks 90th anniversary, new era at public policy school November 9, 2004
  7. Midwest regional ranking of Fulbright Award winners November 8, 2004
  8. Native American Heritage Month connects community November 8, 2004
  9. U-M experts available on Arafat, Middle East, related stories November 5, 2004
  10. U-M launches series of human rights initiatives November 3, 2004
  11. U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Scalia to give U-M Law School lecture November 1, 2004
  12. Noam Chomsky to deliver 2004 Davis, Markert, Nickerson Academic and Intellectual Freedom Lecture October 22, 2004
  13. Tax guru Joel Slemrod to discuss Bush and Kerry tax plans October 22, 2004
  14. Professor helps Navy recruits deal with stress of training October 22, 2004
  15. Paul Laudicina of A.T. Kearney to speak at Ross School of Business October 20, 2004
  16. U-M composer wins governor’s award October 19, 2004
  17. Three U-M faculty selected for IOM membership October 18, 2004
  18. U-M’s National Poverty Center gets $1 million grant renewal October 15, 2004
  19. For love or money, marriage is here to stay October 12, 2004
  20. Former U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rightsto speak at U-M Law School October 11, 2004