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Law & Politics
Experts available on outsourcing—a presidential campaign issue
March 25, 2004
U-M teaching program brings research to life to improve education
March 24, 2004
Undergraduate research celebrated at State Capitol
March 22, 2004
U -M hosts Bolcom’s massive ‘Songs of Innocence’ in April
March 18, 2004
“Dean” of automotive journalists to address U-M commencement
March 18, 2004
New U-M housing director selected
March 17, 2004
Unauthorized U-M data access is under investigation
March 16, 2004
E-mail for Hameed: U-M study shows discrimination against Arabs
March 16, 2004
Regents meeting March 18 begins at 2 p.m.
March 15, 2004
Davidson Institute, European Union Center to host forum on union’s growth
March 15, 2004
Businesses can promote peace in global economy
March 9, 2004
U-M receives gifts to support public policy school and athletics department
March 9, 2004
U-M group working to improve access to mental health resources
March 8, 2004
Ann Arbor Dance for Mother Earth Pow Wow in March
March 8, 2004
Physics pioneers lauded at U-M
March 8, 2004
ISR Roots of Terrorism Initiative sponsors talks
March 4, 2004
Son of “The Pianist” speaks of life that inspired Oscar-winning Son of “The Pianist”
February 27, 2004
Rock kills communism: Interview with “first lady of Polish rock”
February 27, 2004
Print ad pictures: Less is more
February 25, 2004
Three-day conference: Doing documentary work
February 24, 2004