Law & Politics

  1. Regents will meet November 14 in Ann Arbor November 11, 2002
  2. Michigan presenters at APHA: From depression to health insurance to asthma November 8, 2002
  3. U-M announces conclusion of Ed Martin investigation; November 7, 2002
  4. Statement by Athletic Director Bill Martin: November 7, 2002
  5. Library showcases ancient documents with Bible exhibit October 31, 2002
  6. U-M to develop nation’s first child welfare attorney certification program October 31, 2002
  7. U-M students nominated for prestigious awards October 30, 2002
  8. U-M asks Supreme Court not to overrule Bakke decision October 29, 2002
  9. Building the Engaged University: Inspiration and Challenge October 29, 2002
  10. “Building the Engaged University” events Oct. 30-Nov. 8 October 29, 2002
  11. Advisory: Catharine MacKinnon to deliver lecture on academic and intellectual freedom October 28, 2002
  12. Advisory: Experts available for interviews regarding sniper case October 28, 2002
  13. ADVISORY: U-M hosts Great Lakes Symposium October 25, 2002
  14. Ann Arbor Reads initiative invites you to read and discuss ‘Abraham Lincoln’s DNA’ October 24, 2002
  15. New York Times Magazine’s “Everyday Ethics” columnist to speak at U-M October 23, 2002
  16. Corporate expats consider more than tax avoidance when relocating overseas October 23, 2002
  17. Schmoozing is good for the brain, U-M study suggests October 22, 2002
  18. School of Public Health professor: Organ donation system needs better evaluation October 22, 2002
  19. President of ABC News to speak at University of Michigan October 21, 2002
  20. Dean of Students: Campus acted maturely in response to conference, protesters October 21, 2002