Law & Politics

  1. Paul N. Courant appointed provost and executive vice president for academic affairs September 20, 2002
  2. Obesity symposium leaning toward better meal choices September 18, 2002
  3. Seeking self-esteem has mental and physical costs September 17, 2002
  4. Life Sciences Values and Society continues lecture series September 16, 2002
  5. Customer satisfaction a strong predictor of consumer spending September 12, 2002
  6. Americans still not back to normal one year later, ISR study shows September 10, 2002
  7. U-M faculty available to discuss debate between President Bush and Congress September 9, 2002
  8. Americans are still not back to normal one year later, ISR study shows September 9, 2002
  9. U-M undergraduate courses in Sept. 11 aftermath September 6, 2002
  10. U-M undergraduate courses in Sept. 11 aftermath September 6, 2002
  11. Students simulate Arab-Israeli conflict September 6, 2002
  12. U-M to update campus community on admissions lawsuits at Sept. 18 event September 4, 2002
  13. U-M campus events will commemorate Sept. 11 August 28, 2002
  14. ADVISORY: U-M president to attend public events August 27, 2002
  15. University of Michigan experts available on terrorism and impact of 9/11 August 23, 2002
  16. U-M forecast: The U.S. economy should gain strength August 20, 2002
  17. U-M president names search committees for senior leadership positions August 19, 2002
  18. ADVISORY August 16, 2002
  19. ADVISORY August 16, 2002
  20. U-M communications professor emeritus Edward Stasheff died Aug. 3 at 93 August 7, 2002