Law & Politics

  1. Grand Rapids couple gives $150,000 gift to Ford School of Public Policy August 6, 2002
  2. From electoral laws to campaign surveys, the University of Michigan has several faculty members available to comment about Tuesday’s state primary August 2, 2002
  3. Mary Sue Coleman August 1, 2002
  4. Mary Sue Coleman becomes 13th president August 1, 2002
  5. How segregated is your city? Find the answer fast with U-M website July 29, 2002
  6. When to trust the polls: ISR researcher talks sense about surveys July 29, 2002
  7. More quality, not more weight, may make vehicles safer July 25, 2002
  8. Tip sheet: U-M experts on corporate governance issues July 18, 2002
  9. Scholarship program to honor alumni who died Sept. 11 July 18, 2002
  10. Michigan Quarterly Review features essays, poetry July 17, 2002
  11. Rosina Bierbaum address Great Lakes issues at Canadian Embassy July 16, 2002
  12. Smallpox vaccine since the 1700s July 10, 2002
  13. Call for addressing disparity in health services to Latino children July 1, 2002
  14. World’s first full-scale reconfigurable machine tool created July 1, 2002
  15. “You Drink and Drive. You Lose” June 27, 2002
  16. New residence hall safety and security initiatives June 20, 2002
  17. School of Nursing adding to geriatric nursing curriculum June 17, 2002
  18. Reactions to terrorism: Attitudes and anxieties June 12, 2002
  19. Lakeshore development affects birds in subtle, but significant, ways June 11, 2002
  20. Policies to reduce poverty explored in newly released book May 31, 2002