Law & Politics

  1. Twenty-two faculty members to be honored October 1, 2001
  2. Nuclear waste—the ultimate NIMBY September 27, 2001
  3. Josh Rosenthal Scholarship Fund established September 26, 2001
  4. Notable author and journalist, Ann Crittenden, to speak September 26, 2001
  5. Reactions of U.S. consumers to terrorist attack September 25, 2001
  6. Prospective student Winter Commencement speaker deadline September 24, 2001
  7. The United States, the Middle East and Islam September 24, 2001
  8. Michigan Quarterly Review features distinguished writers, poets September 21, 2001
  9. Hill Auditorium renovation project gets $2 million gift September 19, 2001
  10. Corporate-university collaboration gives textbooks to China September 17, 2001
  11. International Institute presents terrorism and globalization discussion Tuesday September 17, 2001
  12. University of Michigan faculty available to discuss national tragedy September 14, 2001
  13. Microsoft’s Gates nominates Schol of Social Work Global Program on Youth for honors September 12, 2001
  14. Mississippi Attorney General to speak at School of Public Health on tobacco settlement September 12, 2001
  15. The University community responds to national tragedy September 11, 2001
  16. The University community responds to national tragedy September 11, 2001
  17. Cancellations, postponements September 11, 2001
  18. The University community responds to national tragedy September 11, 2001
  19. The University community responds to national tragedy September 11, 2001
  20. The University community responds to national tragedy September 11, 2001