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Law & Politics
Students learn from “Civil Rights Trail”
March 21, 2001
Income, socioeconomic status and health relationships explored
March 20, 2001
“expoSItion” offers IT employers a reverse job fair
March 20, 2001
Lecture to explore individual privacy
March 20, 2001
CNN correspondent Beth Nissen is DeRoy Visiting Professor
March 19, 2001
National conference on gender inequity in higher education
March 19, 2001
Six honorary degrees to be awarded this spring
March 15, 2001
No recession, just a slowdown for the national economy
March 14, 2001
Minority public health students conference March 23-24
March 14, 2001
Women at greater risk of harm by alcoholism
March 14, 2001
Advisory: Meaning of the new U.S. Census numbers
March 13, 2001
Michigan duo reconstructs history in song
March 13, 2001
Racial issues and the role of the media conference March 16-18
March 9, 2001
Gilman to give Russel lecture; Curran to receive Russel Award
March 8, 2001
Random groups solve problems better than select groups
March 8, 2001
Library celebrates “Making of America”
March 7, 2001
Advisory: topics U-M researchers will discuss at national meeting
March 7, 2001
Clean homes can boost children’s adult education and earnings
March 5, 2001
Discrimination, pessimism about race relations, and mental health
February 28, 2001
School of Education co-sponsors educator, author Jonathan Kozol
February 27, 2001