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Science & Technology
A healthy but depleted herd: Predators decrease prey disease levels but also population size
April 26, 2023
‘Alexa, set the alarm for me to take my medication’
April 21, 2023
A gene involved in Down syndrome puts the brakes on neurons’ activity in mice, new study shows
April 20, 2023
Quantum entanglement could make accelerometers and dark matter sensors more accurate
April 20, 2023
Human rights a thing of the past? Google says: No
April 19, 2023
Humanizing research, U-M program empowers young academics
April 18, 2023
U-M researcher hopes to define the ‘RNA alphabet’ with support from new $2.3M grant
April 18, 2023
‘Binocular’ treatment helps with a common vision problem. Sleep makes it stick.
April 17, 2023
Optimization could cut the carbon footprint of AI training by up to 75%
April 17, 2023
U-M’s botanical gardens taking steps toward carbon neutrality
April 14, 2023
Apes may have evolved upright stature for leaves, not fruit, in open woodland habitats
April 13, 2023
Michigan Minds Podcast: Improving Access to Clean Mobility
April 12, 2023
U-M receives $71M NIH grant to advance clinical, translational science
April 10, 2023
Two U-M faculty members receive Guggenheim fellowships
April 7, 2023
U-M researchers inform ecological theory with findings from decades of coffee farm fieldwork
April 5, 2023
Two U-M faculty members named Ecological Society of America Fellows
April 5, 2023
Gulf offshore oil and gas production has double the climate impact as inventories report
April 3, 2023
Yak milk consumption among Mongol Empire elites
March 31, 2023
U-M grad student receives national award for research on rewiring the brains of fruit flies
March 27, 2023
Wastewater dashboard adds monkeypox, flu and more for five southeast Michigan communities
March 22, 2023