Science & Technology

  1. “Catch-up” growth signals revealed May 19, 2011
  2. College grads: Stay in Michigan! May 19, 2011
  3. DNA caught rock ‘n rollin’ May 19, 2011
  4. Jewel-toned organic phosphorescent crystals: A new class of light-emitting material May 19, 2011
  5. Plants that can move inspire new adaptive structures May 19, 2011
  6. Toward computers that fit on a pen tip: New technologies usher in the millimeter-scale computing era May 19, 2011
  7. Silk moth’s antenna inspires new nanotech tool with applications in Alzheimer’s research May 19, 2011
  8. First spacecraft to orbit Mercury carries U-Michigan device May 19, 2011
  9. Fundamental discovery could lead to better memory chips May 19, 2011
  10. New fluorescent OLEDs display greater efficiencies than believed possible May 19, 2011
  11. Global sustainability conference May 18, 2011
  12. Can we get more social benefits from forests and have higher biodiversity? May 18, 2011
  13. Persuasive speech: The way we, um, talk sways our listeners May 11, 2011
  14. U-M receives Sustainable Energy Program of the Year award from DTE Energy May 10, 2011
  15. U-M to study why childhood exposure to toxicants makes us sick as adults May 10, 2011
  16. Probe human diseases in yeast? Possibly, protein study suggests May 9, 2011
  17. U-M, Coulter Translational Partnership build $20 million endowment for Biomedical Engineering, School of Medicine research May 5, 2011
  18. URC researchers team up on winning proposals May 3, 2011
  19. U-M experts available to discuss implications in Osama bin Laden death May 3, 2011
  20. Black churches teach kids about safe sex, disease prevention April 27, 2011