Science & Technology

  1. Two faculty members named to professorships April 9, 2007
  2. Regents approve tenure appointments April 9, 2007
  3. 1998-99 research expenditures nearly a half billion dollars April 9, 2007
  4. Medical School bioinformatics receives $4 million from HHMI April 9, 2007
  5. U-M is first University to host major dental and research program April 9, 2007
  6. Are you “High Testosterone” and is that good? April 9, 2007
  7. An ULTrA idea: Connect adults with cerebral palsy to virtual trainers at home April 5, 2007
  8. The stress of war harms civilian men more than women April 4, 2007
  9. Device screens patients in minutes for periodontal disease April 4, 2007
  10. Demographic changes predict regional U.S. voting patterns April 2, 2007
  11. Media scenes of Israeli-Palestinian violence can foster negative stereotypes for teens March 30, 2007
  12. Cross-cultural study reveals similarities in cell phone use March 29, 2007
  13. U-M unveils latest cultural jewel: Arthur Miller Theatre March 29, 2007
  14. U-M to study 1,200 U.S. Army men and women March 28, 2007
  15. New podcasts showcase University of Michigan inventions March 28, 2007
  16. How will Michigan regain its competitive advantage? March 27, 2007
  17. Keck Foundation grant will help decode chemical reactions in the body March 27, 2007
  18. Former President Clinton, four others to receive honorary degrees March 22, 2007
  19. A calculation the size of Manhattan: U-M professor part of team to solve century-old math equation March 22, 2007
  20. One stop shopping at U-M: 10 million and still growing March 19, 2007