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Science & Technology
Turning the poor into consumers creates huge growth markets
September 2, 2004
Strep disrupts blood clotting to infect humans
August 25, 2004
Finding the right formula for a community of chemists
August 24, 2004
EarthScope: Looking into North America
August 23, 2004
Researchers show how to assemble building blocks for nanotechnology
August 18, 2004
Sept. 11 affected children’s mental health beyond New York City
August 18, 2004
U-M makes historical reprints available
August 11, 2004
U-M offers experts for back-to-school stories
August 9, 2004
Michigan’s three largest universities create high-performance research network
August 4, 2004
Sensitivity to seasonal changes affects disease-causing bugs’ success
August 2, 2004
Women in male-dominated fields feel conflicted
August 2, 2004
U-M Detroit Arab American Study portrays a complex population
July 29, 2004
U-M experts available to discuss emergency contraception
July 29, 2004
U-M scientist involved in mission to Mercury available for comment
July 28, 2004
Software offshoring: Big savings, quality concerns
July 28, 2004
Real leaders embrace change, regardless of title or position
July 27, 2004
A fishy fix for conservation concerns
July 27, 2004
Drug to fight virus in transplant patients moves forward in trials
July 27, 2004
Reminder: Auto conference registration continues
July 26, 2004
Musical theater workshop finds home at U-M
July 21, 2004