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Science & Technology
Regents approve projects for hospitals and health centers
October 19, 2000
Regents approve building projects
October 19, 2000
Two distinguished scientists to lead Life Sciences Institute
October 18, 2000
UM.CourseTools technology brings students, faculty closer
October 18, 2000
Australian artist says the human body is obsolete
October 17, 2000
Researchers uncover secret to mass extinction events
October 13, 2000
Statistician Leslie Kish died Oct. 7 at age 90
October 11, 2000
Child health policy and the presidency discussed at a public lecture
October 10, 2000
Biologist and author Paul Ehrlich to speak Oct. 23
October 9, 2000
Working conditions in factories manufacturing licensed apparel
October 6, 2000
Interim director named for Michigan Sea Grant
October 5, 2000
Opening of renovated Lane Hall—street fair, open house Oct. 20
October 4, 2000
Butterfield to head human resources and affirmative action
October 3, 2000
Advisory: Computerworld Smithsonian Awards
October 3, 2000
Ortega brings clay, fire, the pot, and Native American philosophy
October 3, 2000
Marie Curie exhibit part of month-long celebration
October 2, 2000
21 faculty to be honored
October 2, 2000
Pulitzer Prize winner keynotes celebration honoring faculty
October 2, 2000
Worldwide gathering of laser experts
September 29, 2000
Sharp regional shifts in voting population shape 2000 elections
September 28, 2000