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Science & Technology
Harnessing complexity
May 19, 2000
Through summer storm or drought, these flowers still bloom
May 19, 2000
Regents approve administrative appointment
May 18, 2000
Prof. Yu Xie to hold Huetwell Professorship
May 18, 2000
Regents adopt retirement memoirs for 21 faculty members
May 18, 2000
Daniel Little named chancellor of the U-M-Dearborn
May 18, 2000
Regents approve faculty promotions
May 18, 2000
Arthur Miller Theater to be in new Walgreen Drama Center
May 18, 2000
Two faculty elected to American Academy of Arts and Sciences
May 16, 2000
Regents meet at Dearborn May 18
May 15, 2000
Oakland County’s economy to continue expanding but more slowly
May 12, 2000
Media Advisory: Astronomer detects “dark matter”
May 11, 2000
Invention key to Pascua Yaqui’s ceramic manufacturing business
May 10, 2000
Happiness, joy and other positive emotions
May 9, 2000
Dog bone-shaped asteroid
May 9, 2000
Panel Study of Income Dynamics on “Nifty Fifty” list
May 9, 2000
Frost: his “Bite” and his “Bark”
May 8, 2000
Professorship honors world renowned pioneer in pediatric dentistry
May 5, 2000
Rabe to be named Natural Resources and Environment interim dean
May 5, 2000
Memorial service for Prof. James V. Neel scheduled May 22
May 4, 2000