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Science & Technology
Regents approve building projects
June 16, 2000
Czech Republic President Václav Havel to be honored Sept. 5
June 14, 2000
Poverty and social contexts of Black Americans
June 9, 2000
CEW honors 34 women scholars
June 9, 2000
A celebration of Arthur Miller’s works and life
June 8, 2000
Homer Neal appointed to computer networking advisory council
June 5, 2000
Treatment speeds cell migration, wound closure in diabetic mice
June 5, 2000
Prof. Harold Haugh, leading oratorio soloist, dies
June 2, 2000
The evolution of stepfathers; what they invest in stepchildren
June 1, 2000
Dentistry professors receive orthodontics’ highest awards
June 1, 2000
Antarctic environment and global climate
May 31, 2000
New analysis sheds light on Earth’s origins.
May 31, 2000
Academic team takes first place, $10,000 in national championship
May 31, 2000
$117,000 in new computing equipment
May 26, 2000
“Backbone” network upgrade has been completed”
May 26, 2000
“Detroit Divided”: New book explores forces that have shaped the Motor City, and proposes renewal strategies
May 23, 2000
Forces that shaped the Motor City; proposed renewal strategies
May 23, 2000
New outreach coordinator to serve western Michigan communities
May 23, 2000
Through summer storm or drought, these flowers still bloom
May 19, 2000
Harnessing complexity
May 19, 2000