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Science & Technology
Single-layer polymers prefer valleys, say U-M chemists
April 14, 1997
Michigan Sea Grant has new director
April 9, 1997
Gift of nearly $5 million from alumnus John W. Sweetland to launch new Writing Center for undergraduates.
April 8, 1997
Think before you type: ins and outs of e-mail etiquette
April 7, 1997
‘Qamel’ wins top honors as modular commercial off-road vehicle
April 7, 1997
U-M summer program guide has activities for all ages
April 7, 1997
Goal of new ISR training program for South Africans is to overcome a “legacy of distortion.”
April 3, 1997
Culture conference links U-M with community
April 3, 1997
U-M to be part of NSF high-performance computing initiative
March 31, 1997
Engineering students to be in NASA micro-gravity flight
March 31, 1997
New Sea Grant exotic species Web site is online
March 26, 1997
U-M students gain hands-on field experience in natural woodlands
March 26, 1997
U-M uses lots of information technology
March 24, 1997
Immigrant children are not swelling U.S. welfare rolls
March 20, 1997
HMOs are facing rising health care costs,
March 19, 1997
Doctor-assisted suicide is subject of symposium
March 17, 1997
Workshops on interpersonal violence
March 14, 1997
U-M project brings U.S. Census to nation’s classrooms
March 14, 1997
Former geography Prof., Melvin Marcus, dead at age 67
March 13, 1997
U-M scientists’ ultrafast lasers put the squeeze on atoms
March 13, 1997