Dean of Students: Campus acted maturely in response to conference, protesters

October 21, 2002

To the Daily: This past weekend, I joined a number of University staff at the Palestinian solidarity conference and at the related events protesting the conference. As the new Dean of Students, I’ve been in my job for six weeks. Since I am still learning about this community, I wasn’t sure what to expect. What I encountered left me filled with admiration and respect for our University students. Yes, the weekend’s events drew people with passionate beliefs about the situation in the Middle East. Yes, some of the language was sharp at times. But in dozens of conversations that I heard in the League, in the Union, on the Diag and elsewhere, I also heard an extraordinary depth of understanding about international issues. I heard people debating strongly held beliefs with civility and respect. What I did not hear – nor did any of my colleagues who were in attendance at all the activities of the weekend – were any outbursts of hate speech or threats of violence. Our students on all sides of this debate conducted themselves with maturity in the face of tremendous outside pressure to act rashly. They upheld the ideals of freedom of speech, accompanied by the responsibility of civility, that are a hallmark of our community. They sought the support of the University resources that were offered and they did so without giving up their political positions, but at the same time adhering to University policies that were firmly set forth. I am proud to be a part of this remarkable community and to have seen firsthand on Saturday and Sunday the kind of example our students can set. Ed Willis Dean of Students