Domestic violence addressed during Tamara Williams lecture

October 4, 2006

DATE: 7 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 4, 2006.

EVENT: Leslie Starsoneck, a leader in the battered women’s movement since 1989, will speak on children and domestic violence, during the University of Michigan’s seventh annual Tamara Williams Memorial Lecture on Dating and Domestic Violence.

Starsoneck has written multiple pieces on domestic violence awareness and has been active particularly in North Carolina. She is currently serving as a consultant to the Center for Child and Family Health and the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation and is a visiting professor at the Unviersity of North Carolina-Chapel Hill in the schools of Social Work, Law and Public Health.

Starsoneck has worked on public policy related to domestic violence and was formerly the director of North Carolina’s state Domestic Violence Commission. The lecture is free and open to the public.

The lecture commemorates the life of a U-M student stabbed to death on the grounds of Family Housing in 1997. Tamara Sonya Williams was a College of Literature, Science, and the Arts senior living in Family Housing with her then 2-year-old daughter when she was repeatedly stabbed in her Northwoods townhouse by her boyfriend. She was posthumously awarded her U-M degree in psychology in 1998.

The annual lecture also seeks to raise awareness of domestic violence issues and increase interest among faculty and students in research and training opportunities in the area of family.

PLACE: East Hall Auditorium, room 1324, 530 Church Street, Ann Arbor; U-M Central Campus. Map:

SPONSORS: University Housing, the Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center, the School of Social work and the Interdisciplinary Center Research Program of Violence Across the Life Span.

EVENT CONTACT: Tamir Yahav of the U-M Housing Information Office at (734) 763-3610.