Exhibit of colonial photography shows glimpse of past

April 11, 2006

DATE: Now through June 30, 2006.

EVENT: Changes in lifestyle, urban development, decay and neglect caused much of the colonial world to vanish during the 19th century. But some historically sensitive photographers captured remnants of this world before it disappeared.

An exhibit,” Colonial Photography” Viewfinder on the Past,” includes vintage photographs taken by well-known professionals and unidentified amateurs. The photos range from early salt prints from the 1850s and albumen prints of the Civil War era to modern snapshots and photo albums. The exhibit emphasizes the subject of colonial American architecture.

PLACE: Clements Library, 909 S. University Ave., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, open 1-4:45 p.m. Monday-Friday or by appointment. Central Campus map: http://www.umich.edu/news/ccamp.html

SPONSORS: William L. Clements Library.

CONTACT: Clayton Lewis, [email protected] or (734) 764-2347.

Exhibit previewClements Library