Exhibit traces “U-M’s Case for Diversity”

December 10, 2003


Exhibit traces “U-M’s Case for Diversity”

DATES: Jan. 13-30, Feb. 9-20 noon – 6 p.m. Monday through Friday 1-5 p.m. Sunday EVENT: “Views and Voices: U-M’s Case for Diversity”

A new exhibit opening on North Campus examines U-M’s controversial and complex role in the national debate about diversity and the recent Supreme Court decisions upholding the principle of diversity in college admissions.

Richly documented with photos and quotes from present and past, as well as audio recordings of student views and of the Supreme Court sessions, the exhibit describes both the complexity of the issues and the University’s long history of involvement.

Complex in structure and topic, the exhibit’s narrative draws from a panorama of photos, cartoons, sketches and quotes to tell the story. Notable is a photo record of events surrounding the legal arguments documented by U-M Photo Services photographer Marcia Ledford who traveled with the U-M legal team to Washington, D.C. The exhibit also looks at landmark decisions in education around the nation and at U-M, spells out the arguments brought to the court, and describes the decision. The tension surrounding the issues, the cases, and the day in court is captured in photo and personal testimony.

PLACE: Media Union, North Campus

SPONSORS: The Rackham School of Graduate Studies, the U-M Law School, the Office of the Vice President for Communications, the Office of the Vice President and General Counsel, the Office of the Provost, the Arts of Citizenship Program, and the Bentley Historical Library

WEB LINKS: The University maintains a Web site that chronicles the lawsuits, the Supreme Court decisions and subsequent actions at: http://www.umich.edu/~urel/admissions/