Experts available for coverage related to Ronald Reagan

June 7, 2004

ANN ARBOR—The University of Michigan has several experts who can speak on a host of President Reagan-related issues from his influence on politics, history and public policy to the media, health policy and health awareness.

They include:

U-M tax-economic and foreign policy experts who served Reagan

· Raymond Tanter, political professor emeritus, was a senior member of Reagan’s National Security Council and is an expert on foreign policy and national security issues. He can be reached at (202) 333-7346 or [email protected] Raymond Tanter’s profile

· Joel Slemrod, business professor and director of the Office of Tax Policy Research, was senior staff economist for tax policy on Reagan’s Council of Economic Advisers. He is a nationally known authority on tax and economic policy who can talk about the former president’s impact on tax policy and economics. Slemrod can be reached at (734) 936-3914 or [email protected]Joel Slemrod’s profile

Alzheimer’s disease research

· Ken Langa, assistant professor of internal medicine and faculty associate at the U-M Institute for Social Research, has conducted a variety of research related to dementia, one of the symptoms of Alzheimer’s. He has examined the social cost of informal care giving for patients with dementia, and recently was part of the team that found people with dementia are more likely to be admitted to nursing homes than people with other illnesses. He can be reached at (734) 615-8341 or [email protected] Ken Langa’s profile

Reagan’s impact on the Right and culture

· M. Eugenia Deerman, a Public Goods Post Doctoral Fellow in U-M’s history department, is an expert on the Religious Right and the secular Right Wing social movements and conservative think tanks and other 20th century social movements. She is also an expert on sexual politics such as the move for abstinence among youth. She can speak on the successes the Right has had since Reagan entered the public stage as well as the disappointments it has encountered and how those in the movement have had to learn to compromise. She can be reached at (734) 763-4166 or [email protected]

Reagan’s impact on colon cancer screening and health problems

· A. Mark Fendrick, professor of internal medicine, can comment on what Reagan did for Americans’ awareness of screening and treatment for colon cancer and pre-cancerous colon polyps, in the wake of his own diagnosis and surgery in 1985. Fendrick led a recent study on the impact of celebrities on American health behavior, showing a 20 percent increase in colonoscopies in the years after TV host Katie Couric underwent a colon exam during the