Experts available on NASA flight speed record

March 29, 2004


Experts available on NASA flight speed record

ANN ARBOR—University of Michigan experts are available to speak about the significance of the X-43 supersonic-combustion ramjet, which broke flight speed records last weekend. This is significant because scientists hope such jets make space travel more affordable.

U-M experts include:

C. William Kauffman , professor of aerospace engineering, College of Engineering. Kauffman has conducted research on supersonic combustion, aerodynamics and propulsion and its effect on aviation and space exploration, in addition to aircraft design and aircraft accident investigation.

He can be reached at (734) 936-0104 or [email protected]

Werner J.A. Dahm , professor, Aerospace Engineering , Laboratory for Turbulence & Combustion , College of Engineering . Dahm heads the U-M Laboratory for Turbulence & Combustion, and researches turbulent flows, mixing, combustion, flow and combustion modeling , propulsion, aerodynamics and laser diagnostics. He can be reached at (734) 764-431 or at: [email protected] . n

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