The Conversation

Conversation logo pic. Image credit: The People's Science.What is The Conversation U.S.?

“The Conversation is a nonprofit, independent news organization dedicated to unlocking the knowledge of experts for the public good. We publish trustworthy and informative articles written by academic experts for the general public and edited by our team of journalists.”

The University of Michigan is a founding member of The Conversation U.S. Learn more on The Conversation’s website.

Who can read these articles?

Articles published on The Conversation are available to the public and can be republished by major news outlets (such as Time, CNN, Smithsonian Magazine, Scientific American, Newsweek and more), spreading information to thousands of readers on multiple platforms.

The Conversation is also partnered with the Associated Press, further increasing the number of readers.

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See a full list of articles written and published by U-M faculty members.

Want to write for The Conversation?

The Conversation always is looking for new writers to contribute their ideas for stories, write reactions to current events and add scholarly opinions on the news. Here’s more info on pitching story ideas to The Conversation editors.

Becoming a writer for The Conversation can be a great start for publishing your work publicly because you work collaboratively with an editor to write stories. Your article wouldn’t be published until you allowed it and signed off on it. Furthermore, no matter where the article is published (on other media sites), the article wouldn’t be altered at all.


“I am absolutely THRILLED!!!!!! It has gotten more reads from Fast company (~5000 now) than from The Conversation (~4800). This is my first time publishing in this arena; but, I think this was indeed a success.”
U-M Stamps professor Audrey Bennett, on her article.

“I received a good response to this article from readers who enjoyed the photos/histories and one professor from the University of Maryland connected with me on Linkedin to share that she pass on my article to her colleagues to use in their teaching.  So, I’m glad that The Conversation readers appreciate the wonderful photos we have at the Clements.”
Graduate student at U-M School of Information, Samantha Hill

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