Fourteen winners receive Hopwood Awards
ANN ARBOR—The University of Michigan has awarded nine prizes in the Avery and Jule Hopwood Underclassmen Contest, as well as 11 prizes in other creative writing contests administered by the Hopwood Awards Program.
The Hopwood Awards are the oldest and most prestigious college writing prizes in the country. A total of $12,600 was awarded in the Hopwood Underclassmen Contest and $9,150 in the other contests.
The awards are supported by a bequest from Avery Hopwood, a 1905 U-M graduate who was the most commercially successful Broadway playwright of the 1920s, and Jule Hopwood, his mother.
The Hopwood Underclassmen Awards Ceremony was held this week in Rackham Amphitheatre. A poetry reading by C. D. Wright followed the announcement of the awards.
Winners include:
Jenna Birch, a class of 2014 LSA English major from Brighton, for “The Purpose of Pain: A Short Memoir,” $1,500.
Carlina Duan, a class of 2015 LSA student from Ann Arbor, for “Explorations,” $1,500.
Emily Pittinos, a class of 2014 Residential College student from Beulah, for “Red Wine Reduction,” $1,500.
Suzanne MacLaren, a class of 2014 Residential College student from Lansing, for “Moll,” $800.
Andrew N. McIntyre, a class of 2014 Residential College Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies major from Waterford, for “Four Stories,” $800.
Ryan Reid Hyun, a class of 2015 School of Music violin performance major from Troy, for “Heartbeat of Spring,” $1,500.
Emily Pittinos for “Along with Every Dick in Town,” $1,500.
Carlina Duan for “Horoscopes,” $1,750.
Emily Pittinos for “Like Epiphany,” $1,750.
Other fall term contests administered by the Hopwood Awards Program:
Academy of American Poets Prize
Graduate Division:
Ali Shapiro, a class of 2012 MFA student in the Creative Writing Program from Ann Arbor, for “If I Leave You Then Maybe I Won’t Have to Miss You So Much,” $100.
Undergraduate Division:
Elizabeth Lalley, a class of 2013 LSA English major from Caseville, for “to a grandfather who loved the smell of pine,” $100.
Bain-Swiggett Poetry Prize
Esteban Ismael, a class of 2012 MFA student in the Creative Writing Program from San Diego, Calif., for “The House Party,” $300.
Matthew Moser Miller, a class of 2012 MFA student in the Creative Writing Program from Butler, Ohio, for “Per Sig.a Petrarca,” $300.
Michael R. Gutterman Award in Poetry
Gahl Liberzon, a class of 2012 Residential College and School of Education English and Creative Writing major, from Ann Arbor, for “Ode to/Attack of the Sharktopus,” $400.
Airea D. Matthews, a class of 2013 MFA student in the Creative Writing Program from Detroit, for “If My Late Grandmother were Gertrude Stein, and If Gertrude Stein Made Sense,” $600.
Jeffrey L. Weisberg Memorial Prize in Poetry
Jacob Brooks, a class of 2015 LSA student from Fenton, for “Tobias,” $650.
Emily Pittinos for “Classical Guitarist Behind Glass,” $850.
Roy W. Cowden Memorial Fellowship
Jacqui Sahagian, a class of 2013 LSA English major from Concord, $2,000.
Emily Pittinos, $3,000.