Germans to speak of yesterday, today, and tomorrow

October 21, 1998

Germans to speak of yesterday, today, and tomorrow

ANN ARBOR—Two speakers sponsored by the University of Michigan’s International Institute and the Center for European Studies will speak on life in Germany as it once was, as it is now, and how it may be in the future.

On Nov. 3 at 4 p.m., Manfred Lahnstein will speak on “Germany after Kohl: The European Union and the Euro after the Elections of September 27.”

Lahnstein has served as Trade Union Secretary in Duesseldorf and Brussels, and in the Federal Government in Bonn in positions ranging from the Assistant Secretary in the Ministry of Finance to the Federal Minister of Finance. He has been a member of the Federal Parliament, a professor for cultural management at the Hamburg Academy for Music and Theater, a member of the Trilateral Commission and on various supervisory boards consulting agreements with a number of European, U.S. and Japanese corporations and institutions.

On Nov. 9 at 4 p.m., Ronald Golz will speak on “Contemporary Jewish Life in Berlin.” Golz says he actually has four identities: “British in my basic personality structure; German in my intellect; Jewish in a cultural and emotional context; and European out of conviction for a future United States of Europe.”

Born in London of German and Czech Jewish refugees, Golz spent his adolescent years in Germany discovering and exploring his Jewish and German heritage.

Both presentations will be in Room 1636 of the International Institute located within the School of Social Work Building. The public is invited. Admission is free.


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International InstituteU-M News and Information ServicesUniversity of Michigan