Giving Blueday: U-M holds 24-hour online campaign

November 26, 2014

Giving Blue Day - December 2, 2014ANN ARBOR—In the week after Thanksgiving, the University of Michigan will join the international Giving Tuesday movement with a twist: Giving Blueday.

This is the first time the university will participate in the effort that started in 2012. On Tuesday, Dec. 2, people around the world will come together to support their favorite charities and causes.

Starting at midnight, the university will invite supporters—alumni, students, parents, patients and their families, fans, and devotees—worldwide to be “Victors for Michigan” by making donations to any area of the university they would like to support.

The goal: Raise $1 million in 24 hours.

By giving on this day, participants will have another opportunity to take part in the university’s Victors for Michigan campaign and support its three priorities: student support, engaged learning and bold ideas.

Throughout the 24-hour campaign, there will be social media challenges and real-time updates on the Giving Blueday website.

Universitywide challenges throughout the day will give participants the opportunity to earn even more for the school, college or unit of their choice. More than 70 student organizations are taking part by raising funds for their causes. To support the passions of students, a U-M alumnus will match up to $30,000 of student gifts made online on Giving Blueday.

Members of the U-M community are invited to become M-bassadors and help spread the word about Giving Blueday. They can also participate in the Giving Blueday Banner Challenge by taking a selfie with a Giving Blueday banner, located around North and Central campuses, and post it to Twitter before midnight Dec. 1 with the hashtag #GivingBlueday. Participants can indicate which area of the university they would like to have receive a Giving Blueday bonus. Ten winners will be randomly selected to have a $100 gift made in their name to the U-M school or area they nominated.

The U-M community is encouraged to participate in these ways:

  • Give: Make a gift to support a favorite cause at the university.
  • Share: Share the news of your support on social media, spread the word about Giving Blueday, and sign up to be an M-bassador.
  • Thank: Use social media to thank colleagues, friends, family and community members who gave a gift to the university on Giving Blueday.

Campus events include:

  • Students can visit the “Give 1, Get 5” wall on the Diag and in Pierpont Commons noon-3 p.m., where they can suggest an area of Michigan they feel needs support and receive a high-five for their input. An award of $250 will go to four randomly chosen U-M funds recommended by students.
  • U-M students and Olympic ice dance champions Charlie White and Meryl Davis will be on the Diag in support of Giving Blueday at noon-1:30 p.m.
  • The Ross School of Business will hold an event in the Winter Garden at 9 a.m.-4 p.m.



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