Great Lakes panel: Restoring our freshwater seas

March 22, 2011

DATE: 5 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, March 30, 2011.

EVENT: Panelists will discuss the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative and other efforts to restore the Great Lakes. Panelists:

  • Marie Colton, director, NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory.
  • Abed Houssari, manager of environmental strategies, DTE Energy.
  • Marc Gaden, communications director and legislative liaison, Great Lakes Fishery Commission, lecturer, University of Michigan Program in the Environment.
  • Andy Buchsbaum, regional executive director, National Wildlife Federation.
  • Moderator: Allen Burton, director, U-M/NOAA Cooperative Institute for Limnology and Ecosystem Research.

The event is free and open to the public.

PLACE: Room 1024, Dana Building, U-M School of Natural Resources and Environment.

SPONSORS: Michigan Sea Grant and the U-M/NOAA Cooperative Institute for Limnology & Ecosystems Research.

WEB LINKS: Michigan Sea Grant: