Great Lakes shoreline and wetlands: Task force report
ANN ARBOR, Mich—A special task force studying state and federal regulations on wetlands has made recommendations to the regulatory agencies to allow shoreline property owners access to their waterfront while maintaining the ecological value of the areas.
The Shoreline Task Force identified areas of inconsistency in existing Army Corps of Engineers and Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) permitting processes and recommended that the agencies work together to alleviate these inconsistencies. It identified and enumerated the activities that shoreline property owners can undertake without requiring a permit from either the state or federal regulatory agency.) “We will be presenting the Shoreline Taskforce recommendations and additional information about how to apply for permits and streamline the permitting process at several educational meetings around the state,” said Howard Wetters, Michigan State University Bay County Extension director. “This information will provide shoreline residents with tools they can use this summer to legally begin addressing their concerns about this issue.” The task force issued a consensus document that includes a set of recommendations for regulatory agencies, including the federal Corps of Engineers and state DEQ, as well as other agencies and organizations with a Great Lakes research mandate and interest in Great Lakes and coastal wetland issues. “The consensus document and recommendations are a major step forward in addressing this important issue and balancing the rights of property owners and the public trust,” said Dr. Jennifer Read, assistant director of Michigan Sea Grant. “The task force recommendations will provide direction and clarification about what activities are permitted on Great Lakes bottomlands.” The consensus document clarifies the acceptability of some routine activities for shoreline homeowners, such as raking away debris, and building bonfires and sand castles. Activities that may require permits, such as mowing and path building, are also specified. The Shoreline Task Force began meeting in November 2002 at the invitation of state Rep. Joseph Rivet (96th District) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Michigan State University Extension and Michigan Sea Grant representatives were asked to coordinate and facilitate the process and were designated as the group’s spokespersons. The task force’s primary goal was to develop a consensus document that identifies opportunities to allow shoreline property owners to access and enjoy their waterfront while maintaining the ecological value of the new wetland areas around the state. The multi-party task force consisted of representatives of Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ); Save our Shoreline; Lone Tree Council; Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council; Michigan United Conservation Clubs; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Michigan Department of Natural Resources and an interested individual. Observers included representatives from U.S. Congressman Dale Kildee’s office (MI-5th District), U.S. Sen.Debbie Stabenow’s office, U.S. Sen. Carl Levin’s office and state representative Dale Sheltrown’s office (103rd District). The Corps provided technical assistance. The task force enumerated those activities that are allowable under General Permit (DEQ), proposed Permit by Rule (DEQ) or Nationwide Permit (Corps). These permit types impose considerably less red tape on a landowner than individual permits because they do not require a public notice period and generally have lower fees. The DEQ Permit by Rule process allows property owners to undertake specific activities after notification to DEQ (via a letter) stating their intention and that their property and proposed activity meet all of the specified criteria set out by the department under administrative rules. (See list below.) The Shoreline Task Force Consensus Document is available from Wetters or Read; and available at: under “Hot Topics,” click on Saginaw Bay. The consensus document will be presented to members of the Michigan legislature, which is currently considering legislation addressing this issue. Michigan Sea Grant, a cooperative program of U-M and MSU, is part of a national network of 30 Sea Grant programs dedicated to the protection and sustainable use of marine and Great Lakes resources. Funding is provided through the National Sea Grant College Program by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce. MSU Extension is an educational organization funded jointly by the County Board of Commissioners, the State of Michigan through Michigan State University and federally through the U.S. Department of Agriculture. For more information, contact Read at (734) 936-3622 or Wetters at (989) 895-4026.
Activities that do not require a permit by DEQ or the Corps