Has Southeast Michigan really adopted the principles of lean production?

May 1, 2004


Has Southeast Michigan really adopted the principles of lean production?

DATE: 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. May 10 and 12; 8 a.m.-5 p.m. May 11; and 8 a.m.-noon May 13. May 10 is a pre-conference session to bring novices up to speed on lean manufacturing. Conference runs May 11-13.

EVENT: A panel of lean manufacturing experts will discuss the topic at the University of Michigan’s 10th annual Lean Manufacturing Conference. The conference showcases experts that include U-M professor Jeffrey Liker, author of the newly published book from McGraw Hill, "The Toyota Way," an in-depth analysis of the culture behind Toyota’s success. During his panel discussion, Liker will talk about how adopting the tools of lean aren’t enough to make a company truly lean. An organization must adopt a culture of continuous improvement through total employee involvement.

The conference also features tours of Ford Motor Co.’s newly overhauled Heritage Truck Plant within the River Rouge complex. Prior to the tours, lean manufacturing experts will address the audience. They include: Jim Padilla, president, North America, and executive vice president, Ford Motor Co.; Jim Womack, president and founder, LEI; John Shook, Toyota veteran; and Dennis Profitt, director, manufacturing operations, and site manager, Ford Rouge Center. The following two days consist of breakout sessions and hands-on workshops about lean manufacturing.

PLACE: Dearborn Inn, 20301 Oakwood Blvd., Dearborn, Mich.

SPONSORS: University of Michigan Japan Technology Management Program

TO REGISTER: Call (800) 228-9290 or (313) 271-2700 or visit http://www.leanconference.org. Cost is $1,450 for
