High-level Saudi Arabian academic experts will visit the University of Michigan to discuss the war in Iraq’s impact on U.S.-Saudi relations
EVENT: High-level Saudi Arabian academic experts will visit the University of Michigan to discuss the war in Iraq’s impact on U.S.-Saudi relations as well as religion and social transformation in Saudi society.
Speakers include:
• Abdullah Al-Askar of King Saud University,“Question of Wahabism;”
• Eleanor Abdella Doumato of Brown University, “Saudi Religious Education;”
• Ibrahim Al-Beayeyz of King Saud University, “Television in the Arab World: A Liberal Medium in a Conservative Region;”
• Dalal Al-Tamimi of King Faisal University, “Saudi Women in Medicine.”
PLACE: Forum Hall, Palmer Commons, 100 Washtenaw Ave., Ann Arbor. For a map, visit: http://www.crlt.umich.edu/crlttext/directionstext.html
SPONSORS: The University of Michigan Center for Middle Eastern and North African Studies
CONTACTS: For additional information call (734) 764-0350 or Qorvis Communications, on behalf of the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia, at (202) 448-3127
WEB LINKS: Poster – http://www.umich.edu/~iinet/cmenas/Graphics/saudiposter.JPG
Center for MIddle Eastern and North African Studies- http://www.umich.edu/~iinet/cmenas