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In the News
February 14, 2020
WDET Radio
Great Lakes swamping shoreline towns, waste water facilities
February 12, 2020
Seattle Times
Seattle Opera may have country's only opera scholar in residence, helping make the art form more diverse, relevant
February 12, 2020
New York Times
Evan Caminker: Pete Rose has done his time
February 13, 2020
'Witness Lab' at U-M Museum of Art presents witnessing as social, artistic act
February 12, 2020
WDET Radio
Did Trump obstruct justice for Roger Stone? Barbara McQuade says maybe
February 12, 2020
Strong opposition to Native American mascots, team names shown in University of Michigan research
February 12, 2020
1 in 5 Americans get hit with a surprise medical bill after elective surgery—here's how much they pay and how to avoid it
February 11, 2020
Great Lakes Echo
Fighting polarization in algae bloom controversy
February 11, 2020
Michigan Public
Detroit job growth predicted to outpace state's employment creation
February 10, 2020
NBC News
Evelyn Yang, Robert Hadden and how the health care system silences sexual assault survivors
February 10, 2020
Washington Post
The UN's top court ordered Myanmar to protect the Rohingya. Here's how that could matter
February 10, 2020
Energy News Network
Michigan environmental justice council to take on energy access and pollution
February 8, 2020
University of Michigan plans teach-in, climate summit ahead of 50th Earth Day anniversary
February 10, 2020
Associated Press
Video of Pelosi brings renewed attention to 'cheapfakes'
February 6, 2020
Bridge Michigan
As Michigan braces for coronavirus, H1N1 quietly makes a comeback
February 6, 2020
Washington Post
The Trump administration's new attempt to gut Medicaid
February 6, 2020
U-M's Gallagher, Eisenberg talk coronavirus
February 6, 2020
American Theatre
U-M students start semester with 'No Safety Net'
February 6, 2020
Times Higher Education
Harvard professor's arrest stokes US researchers' fear of China ties
February 7, 2020
The Conversation
3 standout quotes from the New Hampshire Democratic debate explained