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In the News
March 9, 2020
Michigan Public
Some things to know if the novel coronavirus makes it to Michigan
March 9, 2020
Biden and Sanders' fight over trade is a war for the future of the Democratic Party
March 8, 2020
ACL surgery can do real damage to brain
March 6, 2020
Coronavirus is scaring company insiders into selling their shares—fast
March 6, 2020
NBC Today
Meet women doctors who are changing the field of surgery
March 5, 2020
National Public Radio
When it comes to exercise, 'all movement counts'
March 5, 2020
The Root
Obamacare at 10: Study shows gaps in coverage between racial lines have narrowed but persist
March 5, 2020
National Public Radio
How coronavirus spreads: A cough in your face ... or a kiss on your cheek
March 4, 2020
Prosthetic innovation: 'It's like you have a hand again'
March 6, 2020
New York Times
Coronavirus school closings: Don't wait until it's too late
March 4, 2020
How to find a good doctor
March 3, 2020
Washington Post
Big banks want regulation eased because of coronavirus. Experts call it opportunistic.
March 3, 2020
Fast Company
Exactly which personality types silently judge your email mistakes
March 2, 2020
New York Times
'When is it going to end?': Where coronavirus has turned deadly in the US
March 2, 2020
U-M uses passenger airplane to understand climate
March 2, 2020
Medical Express
Artificial intelligence could enhance diagnosis, treatment of sleep disorders
March 1, 2020
New York Post
Want to succeed? Never be afraid to ask questions
March 1, 2020
Americans are drowning in a sea of polls
February 28, 2020
Science News
What the new phase of the coronavirus outbreak in the US means for you
February 28, 2020
Detroit News
Michigan manufacturing expected to be especially hard hit by coronavirus