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In the News
October 4, 2018
San Diego-Union Tribune
The science of long-term memory gets short shrift in Ford-Kavanaugh showdown
October 4, 2018
WEMU Radio
Exploring the potential impact of the youth vote in Washtenaw County
October 4, 2018
University of Michigan president sets sights on net carbon neutrality
October 4, 2018
Wall Street Journal
University of Michigan raises $5 billion
October 2, 2018
Many Americans curious, but cautious, about gene testing
October 2, 2018
The Atlantic
The growing case for an elusive ninth planet
October 3, 2018
Wall Street Journal
Amazon's wage increase adds pressure for employers to boost pay
October 1, 2018
Detroit Free Press
GM tracked radio listening habits for 3 months: Here's why
October 2, 2018
New York Times
Opinion: Trump can't win the war on demography
October 2, 2018
University of Michigan professor emeritus wins Nobel Prize in Physics
October 1, 2018
Detroit News
UM-led effort explores 'active learning'
September 29, 2018
Elon Musk's SEC settlement could have gone so much worse
September 27, 2018
MOOCs find a new audience with on-campus students
September 28, 2018
The Atlantic
People think fancy things will make them friends
September 26, 2018
Dark stars come into the light
September 28, 2018
Detroit News
Class sizes raise concerns for Mich. parents, districts, teachers
September 24, 2018
The unending hunt for Planet Nine, our solar system's hidden world
September 21, 2018
U.S. News & World Report
How Students Can Find Mental Health Services on Campus
September 24, 2018
Wall Street Journal
Sears CEO Pushes a Rescue Plan to Avoid Bankruptcy
September 20, 2018
Detroit News
Jacques: No justice in guilt by accusation