Jan Longone Quotes
“We have spent the greater part of our adult lives collecting books and other printed material we judged significant to defining an American culinary history. Because of the unusual depth and breadth of the collection, it would be virtually impossible to duplicate today. We felt it would be a disservice to scatter it through auction or catalog, especially when universities are beginning to appreciate culinary history as a valued intellectual discipline. Fortunately, the Clements Library and the University of Michigan, with their commitment to raising an endowment for a permanent, full-time curator of American culinary history, are in the forefront in this view.
“The symbiotic relationship of the donated culinary material and the Clements’ other holdings was an additional spur, as was the support of the staff at Clements and a dedicated core of volunteers willing to help organize and catalog so that future researchers might help us understand America’s culinary legacy. Thus, the decision to donate to the Clements was an easy one.”
Longone biography:
Jan (Janice Bluestein) Longone is Curator of American Culinary History at the William Clements Library at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. She is the proprietor of the Wine and Food Library, the oldest culinary antiquarian bookshop in America and founder and honorary chair of the Culinary Historians of Ann Arbor.
In addition to her curatorial duties and her book business, she is a writer, lecturer, teacher, consultant and radio commentator in the general field of gastronomy. She has worked extensively on culinary history exhibitions and collection development.
Longone wrote the entries on American cookbook history and a number of biographies for the “Oxford Companion to Food” and has contributed to and is an associate editor for the forthcoming “Oxford Encyclopedia on Food and Drink in America.” She has served on the National Board of the American Institute of Wine and Food and is an advisor to COPIA, The American Center for Wine, Food and the Arts, based in Napa, California.
She currently serves on the Editorial Advisory Board for the University of California-Berkeley’s new book series, “Studies in Food and Culture” as well as its new journal, Gastronomica, for which she writes the Vintage Volumes column. She is a consultant to the Feeding America project of Michigan State University, which has created an online collection of 19th and early 20th century American cookbooks.
In June 2000, she was presented the Food Arts Silver Spoon Award in recognition of her scholarly determination to preserve and honor American culinary literature and her many other contributions to food history.
Dan Longone is Professor Emeritus, Department of Chemistry, University of Michigan; Founder of the Ann Arbor Wine and Food Society; co-founder of the Wine and Food Library and the Longone Center and Archive; and a nationally sought-after lecturer on the cultural history of wine.
Archive highlights:
W.M.’s The Queen’s Closet Opened (1655)
Hannah Wooley’s Queen-Like Closet (1684), first English cookbook written by a woman
John Evelyn’s Acetaria (1699), first English book on salads
Edward Kidder’s Receipts of Pastry and Cookery (1720)
John Locke’s Observations upon ? Vines and Olives (1766)
Samuel and Sarah Adams’ The Complete Servant (1825)
The Cook’s Own Book (1832), first alphabetically arranged culinary encyclopedia in America
Eliza Leslie’s Directions for Cookery (1837), among the most popular cookbooks in 19th century America
First English translation of Brillat-Savarin’s The Physiology of Taste (1854)
Malinda Russell’s A Domestic Cook Book (1866), the first American Black-authored cookbook?a unique copy
The National Cookery Book ? Original Receipts for the Women’s Centennial Committees of the International Exhibition of 1876 . One of the first national cookbooks, written to answer the question of most foreign visitors to America’s Centennial Exhibition, “Have you no national dishes?”
Alexandre Dumas’ Grande Dictionnaire de Cuisine (1873)
The Texas Cook Book , Ladies Association of the First Presbyterian Church, Houston (1883). The first cookbook published in Texas.
The Landmarks Club Cook Book . Compiled by the Landmarks Club (incorporated to preserve the historic landmarks of Southern California), Los Angeles 1903
Irma Rombauer’s The Joy of Cooking (1931)
A unique collection of foreign-language or bi-lingual cookbooks printed in America for the immigrant community, covering about two-dozen languages.
A complete run of the Boston Cooking School/American Cookery Magazine (1896-1947) and Gourmet Magazine (1941-2004)
The center also contains a comprehensive selection of other wine and food journals and magazines.
These examples from “The National Cookery Book,” by the Women’s Centennial Committees of the International Exhibition of 1876, Philadelphia, demonstrate that there have been and continue to be”national dishes.”
Lowell Brown Bread
New England Brown Bread
Wisconsin Steamed Brown Bread
South Carolina Rice Johnny Cakes
Virginia Quinimies (a biscuit)
Seven Receipts from an Oneida Squaw (incl. Bear, mud turtle, muskrats, woodchuck)
Idaho Miner’s Bread
Oysters to Roast Along the Shore in Maryland
Short Cake in Camp. A Michigan Receipt
Florida Guava Preserve
A Kansas Poor Man’s Pudding, in Grasshopper Times
Rhode Island Slump
Delaware Terrapins
New Orleans Gumbo
Kentucky Blackberry Cordial
Mississippi Pomegranite Cordial
Canvass-Back Duck
Rhode Island Fish Chowder
New York Biscuit
Philadelphia Groundnut Cake
Lafayette Gingerbread
Sassafras Beer
Sweet Potato Pone
Boston Whortleberry Cake
Kansas Cocoanut Pound Cake
Sweet Corn as prepared by the Indians
To Cook Trout, or Any Fish, Without Scales, When Fishing
Idaho Method of Cooking a Deer’s Head
Palo Alto Pudding
Clam Bakes
Boiled Turkey
To Preserve Fox Grapes