John Bongaarts to discuss population policy options

April 9, 1997

ANN ARBOR—John Bongaarts, a distinguished scholar in the field of population growth and sustainable development and vice president of the Population Council’s Research Division, will present the first JSI Lecture in Honor of Professors Emeritus Jason L. Finkle and Yuzuru J. Takeshita of the University of Michigan School of Public Health.

Bongaarts will speak on “Population Policy Options for the Developing World” at 2 p.m. April 18 in Auditorium II, School of Public Health II. Bongaarts, who has briefed both Vice President Albert Gore and former Secretary of State Warren Christopher on population policy, will discuss the impact of family planning programs, increased gender equality, enhanced educational opportunities for women, and an emphasis on child health on reducing or delaying childbearing in the developing world.

“We are sponsoring the lecture, first and foremost, to honor Prof. Finkle and Prof. Takeshita, two distinguished scholars who have made significant contributions to the international population field,” said Joel H. Lamstein, president of JSI.

“In addition, with the significant changes now occurring in public health worldwide, JSI would like to insure that continued emphasis is placed on international health and population issues in schools of public health. Without this kind of support, important areas of inquiry may be lost during an era of budget cutbacks. We hope the lectures will act as a stimulus for faculty and students.”

Boston-based JSI provides research and consulting services in the health care and service sectors. JSI—John Snow Inc.–is named after the father of modern epidemiology who discovered that cholera is conveyed by wate

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Population Council’s Research DivisionSchool of Public Health